I haven’t been keeping up here

When you have an autoimmune disease, you need doctors. I have a rhuematologist to keep my Wegener’s Granulomatosis in check, a nephrologist to watch my Stage IV kidney disease cased by the WG. Also on my list of doctors is an endocrinologist for getting my thyroid under control. I had cancer last year that was caused by some type of radiation and not the radiation you get from X-rays.

I also see a thyroid surgeon, who wants to see me yearly to make sure that the cancer doesn’t come back. Lastly I see a doctor who manages my care, watches my hypertension, and makes sure I don’t get infections.

I did see all of these doctors in a months time, so I was a pincushion. Every doctor wants blood draws (or labs as I call them.)

One thing I was warned about by my first rheumatologist in 2003 was that when an auto-immune system gets triggered to attack itself, then the sufferer (me) will collect more auto-immune diseases.

Thankfully I am walking, talking, and writing. If you are interested in my writings, you can check me out at cynbagley.com.

About Cyn Bagley

My life is a mixture of travel, jobs, and disease. You can find some of my novels on amazon.com under the name Cyn Bagley.
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